About Us
Greetings from Nepal and also from Multivendors to all our friends and well wishers.
Welcome to our website which I am sure will give you a touch of the Nepalese hand crafted culture derived from generations of craftsmanship that was there hundreds of years ago. I am Kailash Khanal and founder of Multivedors Nepal Pvt. Limited. Nepal.
The company Multivendors is focussed to making various hand crafted and hand made goods making convenient to our valuable customers in the overseas to source different products from one single trusted company. We were born many years ago and therefore have fully grown up with past experiences to render better and more professional services.
Our field of activities includes from ladies fashion wear to hand crafted Tibetan style jewellery, from handmade paintings on canvas of Himalayan peaks and scenery to fine paintings on canvass depicting Tibetan ancient culture in the form of Thankas and other cultural items like ringing bells to many such interesting items. We are also in trade in hand made Lokta papers and wool felt made items like house shoes, felt purses and cat caves and dog mattresses.
We are proud of our expertise in Cashmere scarves and silk printed stoles.
Because it may not be possible to show all our products range in a website so we leave it to our customers to ask us for whatever particular items they are looking for. We are online and therefore you will get immediate reply from us .
We believe in a win win approach and therefore please do try with us for a long term relation.
Thank you for your time! .